Last Updated on August 22, 2021 by FS Studios Personal Training
Let’s keep this short and sweet..
Horses just might be among the leanest, fit and healthy animals on the planet and of course, what do you feed a horse? Carbs!
Many of us get sucked up in diets because of excellent marketing, not because of excellent eating advice.
They keep coming out to take your MONEY!!
Diets are products. Products for making money off of you and they are NEVER going to stop!
And why would they?! They’re huge money makers and they don’t require a lot of work.
You just have to write a book that takes an extreme look at eating and it sells. That’s the recipe they’ve used
and it’s worked really well for a really long time.
Instead, why not try a super boring plate of food?
Want to see a really boring plate of food?
Yeah, not super exciting but guess what, your cat has been eating this its ENTIRE life!
Eat 7 of these in a day if you want- you’ll be shredded and probably a bit bored.
Eat 5 and one bad one and you’ll be lean and not so bored.
Eat 4 good and 2 marginal and you’ll still be ok.
So why does the diet seem so much better and exciting?
They sell you on an exciting life with a beautiful body having tons of fun.
They also do this in financial commercials, beer commercials and even vacuum commercials because it sells and it makes them money.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much good for you especially when it comes to eating. If you don’t buy that financial product or new vacuum, you’ll get by.
This isn’t the case with bad eating. Bad eating will have an effect.
Anyways, this article was about carbs but I don’t go crazy on the structure of these articles as you may have noticed.
I Know what you’re thinking:
Those are for a horse that’s running like crazy all the time and if I eat that and don’t run like a stallion every day, I’ll weigh as much as a horse!
If you eat the food above, you’ll look like the horse but you won’t be a great runner unless you run.
The food is right. It will give you the body. What you do with it is up to you.
That’s oatmeal and egg whites. It’s low calorie and really healthy. Put berries and cinnamon on it. Put a little brown sugar on it.
That’s all fine because..
It’s not wings and buttered popcorn.
It will work. You WILL be as lean as the horse if you healthy food with some carbs in it all on it’s own.
I promise.
FS Studios.