Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by FS Studios Personal Training

It’s one of the most popular sports over the last ten years and it only gained momentum during Covid. Spinning has become a genuine Vancouver fitness go-to which is wonderful. Spinning is a fantastic exercise and it can greatly benefit people in many ways:

  • It helps you lose weight.
  • It’s low impact.
  • It’s safe and dry for Vancouver’s rainy weather.
  • You can do other exercises on the bike.
  • Spinning and cycling are good for humans and our natural body mechanics.

So what do you do when things start to hurt a bit on your beloved Peloton or Lemans cycling bike?

Well, first let’s discuss that this is a general article. Not everything will applicable to everybody. That being said, I want you to imagine the best cyclist in the world. Picture their back, their hands, their posture..

(This Article includes ME on a bike too later so be sure to check that out!)

Are they sitting straight up? Are they leaning forward? Are their arms bent or locked out straight? These are all good questions as they have a huge effect on our well being on the bike.

Let’s look at a few pics..

Spinning Instructor Position

Looks like her elbows are bent. She’s leaning quite a ways forward. How on earth could this be a good position when we’re told to constantly sit perfectly straight with solid arms? Isn’t she supposed to know what she’s doing?? Hopefully, you’re picking up on the sarcasm and that she’s actually in very good position.

Common Spinning Position

I don’t know about you but I see some locked arms that are going to get very tired soon. How about those backs? Does anyone look comfortable in this picture? Not really. They also don’t looked very engaged at the core. Most of the weight appears on the seat. They look slightly back in the saddle so to speak. Oddly, this picture wasn’t hard to find. This means many of us are in it during spin classes in Vancouver among other places. Would  you put locked shocks in your car? Then why are all these spinners locking their arms?

Trainer on a Bike

So this should give you a basic toolkit of starting tips while cycling. If the instructor doesn’t like how you’re riding, just tell them you’ll try your best-that’s all they really want to hear anyway.

Now go ride a bike!

FS Studios