Last Updated on December 9, 2021 by FS Studios Personal Training
So, will pumping iron make you bigger?
In short, YES!
Almost any amount of weight training will add muscle to your frame. If you train consistently (2-3 full weight sessions a week or more) you will likely notice that the muscles you train will get bigger.
Some people notice this in their legs, others notice it in their glutes and some in their upper bodies too. The amount of size you gain is individual and in most cases.
How Much Bigger?
This is the important part. Adding genuine muscle isn’t easy. It’s fairly hard to gain a huge amount of muscle. Hard and heavy weight training might add about 1 pound of muscle to your frame in a month.
Furthermore, if you lift enough weights and don’t control your diet, you may find yourself dirty bulking which means adding a bit more muscle AND a bit more fat!
Many men fall into this category as they rush trying to get bigger.
So, lifting weights will add some muscle to your frame. The simple trick is to figure out how much muscle you want. Why would you want muscle? Aside from all the bone, health, age decreasing and life benefits, you’ll want to have some muscle because it adds shape to your body and burns calories. If you just trim down, your glutes, thighs and other areas will look fairly flat.
On the other hand, if you keep some muscle on your frame, you’ll maintain shape and burn more calories while doing so keeping the fat off.
This should help keep your muscle lines visible!
What about Muscle Pump?
Now what about the muscle pump you get during the workout where you feel like you’re huge?
Here’s an excerpt from Foundations of Fitness training to help us understand the PUMP further:
So we don’t really need to concern ourselves about the transient muscle pump you get in a workout. However, lifting weights will add a bit of muscle to your frame. the pictures in this article are all of women that are weight training a bit in their routines. They have muscle on their frames. You need to decide how much muscle you want on your frame. You are the sculptor of your physique and you must decide what amount of muscle looks good to you.
So what’s the Magic Formula?
These 3 basic zones make up 99.99 of your fitness plan. If you lack a great deal in one of them, it may be very difficult to get good overall results. Master all three and you’ll get the health and body you desire in no time!
1) Do some weights to give you shape in the areas your want curves and definition.
2) Do some of cardio to uncover the muscles you’ve built and trim away excess fat.
3) It a very clean and consistent diet to support your health and fitness routine.
We can show you how to create this formula in detail to help you get in shape and uncover all the curves you seek.
For more questions on how to pump up, bulk or trim down, Contact Us Today!
FS Studios.